If you have a great passion for teaching and have thought that the Bachelor of Science in Education may be the ideal academic option for you, then it is important that you know for sure what this career is about and why it is so important that its students and professionals have a humanistic training.

And it is that all this is key for you to evaluate how much this professional title matches with your interests, talents and goals. In fact, the more you investigate and delve into this and other training alternatives, the more likely you are to make an accurate decision about your future profession.

With this in mind, we have asked Antonio Hernández Tapia, an expert in the subject we will talk about today, to share his knowledge and experience with us so that we can talk to you in this material about a career as noble and important as Education Sciences.

Do you want to know more about it? Don't stop reading!

What is the career of Education Sciences about?

Before we go into details, let's start by talking about exactly what the Bachelor of Science in Education studies and what are its areas of action.

On this, Hernández Tapia comments that the object of this career is education from an explanatory descriptive mode, that is, as well as Pedagogy it corresponds to study and reflect on training and didactics, as well as the assessment of teaching methods, in the same way, it is up to the Education Sciences to expose the main characteristics of the educational phenomenon.

In practice, this translates into different areas, from curriculum design to teaching practice and research.

Now, how do professionals in Education Sciences achieve their objectives? They do it through a very comprehensive training that begins at university.

In general, the academic program of this degree has 3 focuses: understanding the people who learn, through Educational Psychology and other subjects related to better understanding the reality of students and their perspectives; study the environment, through classes related to the Sociology of Education and Educational Policy; and, finally, planning the execution of teaching, with chairs focused on the design of educational plans.

Why is humanism important for those who are trained in Educational Sciences?

Now that you have much clearer what the Education Sciences career is about, it is time for us to talk about the importance of those who study it having a humanistic training.

Regarding this issue, Hernández Tapia points out that the first thing that should be said is that the educational act is totally human, between people.

Derived from this, instruction is an activity that involves more than intellectual teaching, since it also involves formative characters. So, a teacher not only teaches you techniques and concepts, but also encourages you to value, participate efficiently in different areas of society and interact with people.

Hence, Education Sciences require a humanistic vision, since they explain and describe the whole person, not only a characteristic, such as mathematical ability.

In this sense, teaching implies values, aptitudes, skills, decision-making and all kinds of training areas. In the words of the expert interviewed: “The main thing is that education is a complete process. When I educate, I am talking about an integrity, I cannot just instruct someone in one thing, it is the whole package. It involves all the dimensions of the human being ”.

In addition, it also indicates that education is an activity that takes place in a social, personal and cultural space and sphere. Because of this, this is a key to solving individual and collective problems.

With this in mind, in 2002, a congress was generated that proposed to clarify the direction of education based on current challenges. As a result, 2 concepts emerged: information societies and knowledge societies. Today, the one that has the greatest impact on Western instructional models is the second, especially considering the digital age.

Knowledge societies arises from the fundamental thesis issued by Daniel Bell exposed in the book "The advent of postindustrial society" , written in 1973. There, basically, it is spoken, through a social prognosis, that industrial society had as its main the axis of action is doing, while the postindustrial society would have knowledge as its axis.

Therefore, knowledge societies structure a worldview of education around conceptual knowledge, over practical action, like previous societies. This proposition generates an emphasis on knowledge in schools, since innovation is derived from this.

“Humanism in education must be a fundamental base; on the one hand, it lines up the purposes of knowledge societies and, on the other, it establishes what is necessary for students to achieve innovation, since creativity, a fundamental part of innovation, is a properly human characteristic ”, assured Hernández.

It is the whole person who innovates, not his mind. Contrary to doing, since whoever performs an action, only uses a part of his being, that is, an individual can be operating a machine and at the same time think about something else.

Knowledge involves the whole person.

In conclusion!

Finally, it only remains to say that, although the humanities careers did not have a great profitability before and, therefore, not all universities offered them and they were not so popular. Today, the roles have changed.

The greatest source of prosperity for a country, especially for those in development, is not production, but innovation.

So, if you are looking to have a competitive profile and be successful in a career such as Education Sciences, it is of great relevance that you bet on creativity, knowledge and values, so that you can successfully face your environment.

And, always remember that, as Hernández Tapia mentions: "The person is not only a result or qualification, it is much more."

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