Shruti Chakraborty, who competed with 20 other talented contestants in this beauty contest organized by Glaman and Group under Bharat24, became the first runner-up in the final held on April 16 and became an inspiration to many. She got a warm welcome after reaching Hyderabad with this victory.
Won the hearts
She won many hearts with the grace and charm she displayed during this journey. Being a software engineer, a homemaker .. watching her reach this level (runner up) ... the rigorous training and grooming sessions she took for this shows her dedication and perseverance. Shruti, who entered the beauty pageant as a software engineering graduate, showcased her academic prowess, her multi-faceted personality from being a software engineer to a devoted housewife.
Stunning performance
Her stunning performance not only caught the attention of the Indian media, but also solidified her position as a rising star in the beauty world. (Software Engineer Sruthi Chakravarthy)
First runner-up .. This is not just an award .. With this award, she has become a symbol of women empowerment ..
Shruti's success is an inspiration that with passion, hard work and determination .. miracles can be achieved and any dream can be achieved .. She landed in Hyderabad.