10 tips to improve your communication skills


How to improve your communication skills:

1. Make eye contact.

Looking a person in the eye is the safest and most effective way to convey confidence.

Without words, we will be able to tell our interlocutor that we are interested in what he is saying and that we are listening carefully.

2. Gesticulate.

According to specialists, 90% of the communication we transmit is not verbal, but gestural. Our body movements communicate much more than we think, even unconsciously.

Sometimes a gesture can persuade, convince and build trust much more than an elaborate speech, observe yourself and practice.

3. Get to the point.

Mastering communication skills doesn't mean talking a lot, making endless presentations, or sending long messages through the mail.

Focus on being clear in your ideas and remove the padding to convey accurate messages.

4. Listen before you speak.

A good communicator is always a good listener. Those who know how to listen do not lose information, ask timely questions and understand their interlocutor.

You can create empathy with phrases like “Tell me more about that topic” or “I am interested in what you say to me. Give me more details to understand why you think like this ”.

5. Ask more questions.

You don't have to have all the answers. Being able to openly express your doubts and admit when we did not understand an idea allows us to achieve a better understanding.

Remember that misunderstanding is the enemy of communication, summarize what has been said in your own words to make sure you are in tune with your interlocutor.

6. Read.

Reading improves our oral and written communication skills. It helps to have a better spelling and expands our vocabulary.

Read daily news and information relevant to your industry and you will also have conversation topics to network and meet new people.

7. Choose the correct medium.

Is your communication medium always email? Maybe you would get a lot more out of some people if you got close to talking in a personal way.

Use your perception to approach people in the right way, sometimes a call can be more personal and effective than an email, in others, you will have better results if you send a short and clear email.

8. Don't interrupt.

Avoid completing the speech of others with your own ideas or diverting the topic of a conversation.

Allow other people to communicate their points of view without interrupting and then express your doubts or comments.

9. Practice in front of the mirror.

In a face-to-face conversation or in front of a group of people, it is not always easy to become aware of our body language.

That's why Vickie Austin, founder of the CHOICES Worldwide professional consulting firm , recommends using a communication technique called 'mirrioring'.

It consists of observing the body language of our interlocutor and imitating it in a subtle way. For example, if the other person nods, do the same seconds later.

With this practice it is possible to make the other person feel more comfortable and open and we can obtain greater empathy on their part.

10. Get bonded.

Effective communication is not only about work or business. It's amazing what you can get out of someone if you start the conversation by asking something personal.

The next time you talk to a member of your team or visit that client that you have not been able to convince, approach them from the emotional side before getting fully into the subject.

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