Are teachers using social media for learning in school? Social media websites are great sources of learning resources for teachers. There are many ways in which teachers can engage their students in online discussion. Students can read, listen to and participate in discussions about topics they might be struggling with. It's a great way to build classroom relationships, too.
Teachers can also use online discussion boards to promote their own lessons. This helps the student understand what's going on in the classroom and why certain activities are being taught. It also creates an environment for the learners' community. Such a community may include fellow students who are trying to study the same topics.
Another way teachers using social media for learning in school can use it is by linking it to outside activities. For example, instead of just posting assignments online, teachers can create web pages that lead students to resources on their particular subject. It can then be used as a resource for other students to use. They could even bookmark pages for later reference.
Of course, teachers using social media for learning in school need to keep some ground rules in place. First of all, they should encourage student participation. This means letting students use their computers to add notes, create pictures, add comments, write essays and so on. They shouldn't just give students' files and assignments to work on; they should be active participants in the class, asking questions, helping to plan lessons, posting comments and so on.
Teachers also need to remember that social networks are not the place for embarrassing students or posting frivolous comments. It's perfectly acceptable to use these sites to share your own opinions and knowledge. However, students need to know that they're expected to respect others' privacy, and they should feel safe communicating with classmates who may not be their friends on Facebook or MySpace. When students participate within safe boundaries, then they'll be able to participate more meaningfully and learn more in the classroom.
Teachers can also help students by encouraging them to set goals and meet them. This will help them stay on track and be more responsible when it comes to their studies. When students see that they have an impact on the classroom, they'll be more eager to study and do well. This may even lead to them developing a sense of responsibility.
Of course, teachers shouldn't make this process too complicated. They should make it easy for students to learn, and they should keep a few simple things in mind. They should encourage students to post messages on their pages, and they should provide clear feedback when they're grading them.
As long as students understand the value of social media in the classroom, they'll be fine. But remember, anything you put on your page is public information. So don't be surprised if you get asked about it at school. Just stay focused on the tasks at hand: teaching and learning.
There are some things that teachers should avoid, though. In class, they should never use inappropriate language. They should also refrain from making sexual references, or threats. In some cases, they may even encourage their students to send private messages. Again, teachers should keep their words and actions entirely within the classroom.
One thing that many teachers have been praised for, especially on the social media sites, is how they've helped their students understand boundaries. Students don't like to feel as if they're being bullied. Some students using social media have started to feel that way. When teachers step in and educate their students about social media usage, it can really open up dialogue within the class. It might mean that the student will start talking more with the other students about the things that they're experiencing.
While it's true that social media is a great tool for learning, it's also important that people stay properly connected in school. When students aren't connecting with each other, it can really hinder their overall learning experience. When teachers use social media for learning in school, they can connect with their students and help them understand boundaries. They can also show the student that they have authority in the classroom, if they so choose.
Social media for learning in school shouldn't be taken too lightly, however. Teachers need to make sure that they do it in a way that keeps things above board. When they do that, students are much more likely to enjoy learning in school, and teachers themselves are going to have a much better time as well.